Daliah Butler

Translation rating

6.7out of 10

Customer Satisfaction:67%



Words translated:29898

Daliah Butler
German  native

I am a bilingual native speaker of both English and German. I grew up in Germany and moved to the US for college. I'm a dual citizen of Germany and the US and can provide high level translations.

Work schedule


USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Ireland


Germany, Switzerland, Austria

Agriculture, Annual reports, Architecture, Arts and culture, Automotive business, Aviation and space, Banking and investment, Biochemistry, Biology, Biotechnology, Blockchain and cryptocurrency, Business, Cartography, Chemistry, Computing Science, Construction, Contracts and reports, Corporate, Correspondence, Cosmetics, Document, ERP, Ecology and environment, Economics, eLearning, Electrical engineering, Electronics, Energy, Fashion, Fiction, Finance, Food and drinks, Gaming, General, Geography, Geology, HR, History, Industrial automation, IT and computing science, Industry, Insurance, Legal, Life Sciences, Linguistics, Luxury goods, Manuals, Marketing, advertising, PR, Mathematics, Engineering, Medical equipment, Medical, Metallurgy, Military, Mining, Nuclear, Oil and gas, Optics, Pharmaceutics, Patent, Philosophy, Physics, Government, Printed materials, eCommerce, Psychology, Real estate, Entertainment, Religion, Science, Social science, Sociology, Software, Sports, Technical, Telecommunication, Textile, Thermal power engineering, Tourism and travel, Transport and logistics, Veterinary medicine, Website
3k words per day
$0.015 per word

Wagner International,  Translator,  2022 - 2023

Lieberman Research Worldwide,  Project Moderator,  2018 - 2022


Insufficient quality: Many mistakes in the automatic translation were not corrected by this freelancer, additionally even some of the freelancer’s corrections contained mistakes (typing mistakes, spelling mistakes). The freelancer didn’t pick up on the misalignment of source and target (e.g., parts were left out in the target and remained undetected). Overall, the translation quality was sadly not increased by the freelancer’s post-editing. Lastly, she did not respond to our reaching out to her in chat, neither when we were offering her feedback, nor when my colleague who invited her to this assignment explained in the chat that we were interested in a possible long term collaboration, it is a pity Dahlia was not interested and did not react.

Supporting documents - Enablement
Jun 16, 2023